Saturday, July 16, 2011

2 Guys and 1 Plane- No Agreement On A Soundtrack [VOTE]

This is myself and my best friend from University, Nick. Him and I have been talking about skydiving for about as long as I've known him. We have procrastinated, put it off, and generally ignored it for a long time.

Well, I'm happy to say that TODAY is the day we are going to go and jump out of a plane.

Is it crazy? Probably
Will it be awesome? I'm sure of it.

The Problem
We are getting a video made of our jump and we have to pick a soundtrack for it.

Corey's Choice: Not only does it seem appropriate for a high risk sport to have some cranking metal music in the background, but listen to the lyrics around 0:52 seconds.

Nick's Choice: Yeah, I don't really have anything else to add about this...

The Solution
Put which song you prefer in the comments below- or suggest another one!