Saturday, September 22, 2012

YouTube Style: Is There A Secret Sauce?

I know I'm late to the game (I must be showing my age), but I'm a little obsessed with the following music video:

It's a little ridiculous to be sure, but at the same time it's catchy as all hell. I've also developed a crush on Hyuna.. but that's probably a subject for a whole other post. :)

As I watched this video a few times, it really made me think about one of my other favorite videos by LMFAO.

I mused at my observation, but then I read this article today and I decided to take a closer look. If you don't want to read it, the short version is that Gangnam Style is the most "liked" video on YouTube, and Party Rock is #2. There is a wide margin here, but still- it got me thinking: Is there a secret formula to making a viral music video?

For this comparison, I will list a theme and then list the time code in each video where it's exhibited. Let's take a look at the similarities:

Overall ridiculousness of clothing and dance moves: Throughout both videos
Treble reduced, Deep Bass Introduction: PR-0:50, GS-:04
Loud, synthesized  bridge: PR-1:38, GS-0:17 (To be fair, PR crescendos into the volume)
Really cool break dancing by featured performer: PR-2:02 (Boxhead), GS-0:22 (Little Kid)
Crescendo of music followed by a lower, smoother verse: PR-2:38, GS-1:43
Addition of featured female artist: PR- 4:12 (Laura Bennet), GS-2:12 (Hyuna)
Featured female does sexually suggestive dance moves: PR- 4:29, GS-2:16
Crescendo featuring a screen effect that flips between multiple cameras: PR-4:51, GS-2:28
Final scene involves the entire (motley) cast of the video dancing up a storm: PR-4:59, GS-3:19
Abrupt Stop: PR-5:57, GS-3:37

So I have to ask- Was this deliberate? Or a complete coincidence?

PS- Further to my point, as I pulled up the Link for the Party Rock video, here is what my webpage looked like. I'm sure some marketer somewhere knows that if you liked Party Rock, you will definitely like Gangnam Style! Of course- maybe it's just a coincidence?
I can haz Gangnam Style whilst I Part Rock?

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Interesting World We Live In

The world is a funny place. We get up everyday, work our buns off, and expect to be rewarded handsomely. Up until this point in my life I'd have no reason to disagree. I get up everyday, give it 110% and then enjoy my few spare hours. I guess my question is... when....if ever, does it end?

I <3 capitalism... I always have. If you can make money from it, you should sell it!

The problem is... most people don't think about things rationally... Adam Smith... What a BALLER!

Seriously though, rational thinking is almost non-existent in our society! Case in point- ANYONE who has ever told you their website is going to make the sale. Guess what- the website is irrelevant! If you want to close a sale you need to make that next call, send that next email, and treat your next customer like gold. It's a long way to the top!

PS: If you need late night resume services, hit me up at
(Please note the site is still in progress... and TOTALLY not SEO Optimized)